14 technology winners and losers, post-COVID-19
The coronavirus crisis has shaken up business as usual, with some IT strategies and tools rising to the occasion and others in line for a rethink or tough recovery post-pandemic. Thinkstock As opposed to, say, the travel or restaurant industries, the tech sector has weathered the most disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic relatively well. But that doesn’t mean that business has gone smoothly as if nothing happened — or that trends haven’t accelerated or been disrupted by the…
How to set up a work-from-home ‘office’ for the long term
During the pandemic, and likely well afterward, many people will work outside the office. Here’s what you need to do so your home workspace will support your work — and won’t wreck your body — over the long term. Galen Gruman/IDG Working from home is hardly a new phenomenon, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made it an unplanned requirement for many office and knowledge workers. Even as the coronavirus crisis eventually recedes, many employers will have discovered that they don’t…
Microsoft supplants Office 365, with Microsoft 365
For Microsoft, it’s a case of out with the old, in with the new. For users, it’s a recipe for confusion. microsoft office 365 Microsoft’s killing off Office 365. That product nameplate, synonymous with productivity as well as by-subscription software, is on the way out, supplanted by a newer brand, Microsoft 365. The move obscures how users are to gather information about the original and muddies the meaning of the replacement. Two months ago, Microsoft expanded the definition of Microsoft 365 beyond its 2017 origins.…
6 tips for remote hiring success
The hiring process has gone remote, which means recruiters and candidates must adjust to the new normal of virtual interviews. Here’s how to vet and woo candidates from a distance. gustavofrazao / PeopleImages / Getty Images The COVID-19 pandemic has not only shaken up business as usual, sending large portions of the workforce to work from home, it’s also pushed companies to hire from home. Recruiters and hiring managers are now faced with the task of vetting candidates remotely, a…
The ultimate guide to privacy on Android
Take back control and decide exactly how information is used on your Android phone. Thinkstock On the surface, Android and privacy might not seem like the most natural of bedfellows. Google is known for its advertising business, after all — it’s how the company makes the lion’s share of its money — and it can be tough to square the notion of data collection with the concept of carefully controlled information. In actuality, though, Google gives you a good amount…
Rethinking IT investment and innovation for post-coronavirus Africa
Africa-based tech leaders explore the way forward for doing business in the post-COVID-19 era as companies prepare for the reopening of economies. Gerd Altmann (CC0) Innovation often emerges where there’s the greatest need. Organisations in African markets, which typically face challenging economic conditions, tend to prioritise solving the most pressing societal problems – and this is why opportunities for tech leaders may arise as sub-Saharan Africa emerges from the coronavirus pandemic into an uncertain economic environment. In addition to investments needed…
Ways to be on top your IT career even in the face of recession
At the point when the economy gets ugly, it’s an ideal opportunity to look over aptitudes, demonstrate your essentialness, and check out unobtrusive notions of specialized and business changes to come. Sasha Stories / Lorado / Getty Images Tech pioneers are known for preparing, and many anticipated a downturn approaching great before the coronavirus pandemic hit. The equivalent ground breaking approach that is served tech organizations as they’ve progressed to remote work can likewise be applied to your vocation. Tech…
11 ways to trim your IT budget
As the economy takes a turn and IT budget forecasts slip downward, it’s time to tighten up your technical stack — before the CFO comes calling. ronit shaked (CC0) When times are good, the harvest is full, the granary bins are overflowing, and it’s easy for an enterprise to gorge freely. When times turn hard and revenue evaporates, well, it’s time to cut back by slicing out those wild expenditures and bold ideas that once made so much sense. It’s…