Microsoft pitches free help for Windows 7-to-Windows 10 Upgraders
With its FastTrack assistance program, the company will work with customers migrating from Windows 7, either Enterprise or Professional, or Windows 8.1 Enterprise or Professional, to Windows 10 Enterprise. pan xiaozhen Microsoft on Monday touted the assistance it will give organizations transitioning from the soon-to-be-expired Windows 7 to its successor, Windows 10. Dubbed “FastTrack Center Benefit,” a.k.a. just FastTrack, the assistance comes free of charge with the purchase of at least 150 licenses for one of the…
Leaving Windows 7? Here are some non-Windows options.
If you’re not feeling too comfortable about Windows 10 as Windows 7 comes to the end of its days, there are alternatives. Get ready to say goodbye to Windows 7. On Jan. 14, 2020, Microsoft will deliver the final free security update for PCs running Windows 7. There will be no reprieve. So now what? First, I know many of you — and I’m among your number — really don’t want to move to Windows 10 to…
It’s Patch Tuesday – make sure Windows Auto Update is off
Traditionally, August finds Microsoft in a mid-summer lull, with lots of folks on vacation and more than the usual chances of surprising screw-ups from second-string staff. It’s an excellent month to sit on the sidelines and see what problems appear with the latest round of Windows and Office patches. Here’s how to watch and wait for bug crowd-sourcing to commence. Pashaignatov If you haven’t patched your machine since May, you’re in harm’s way…
Is Windows pushing you to upgrade? Don’t be bullied. There’s a middle path.
Many people running Win10 version 1803 — the most common version of Win10 — are seeing dire notices that they need to upgrade to ‘the next version of Windows,’ by which Microsoft means 1903. Hogwash. You have options. Here’s what you can do. Microsoft’s in a full-court press to get folks running Win10 version 1803 to upgrade to version 1903. Ostensibly it’s because version 1803 patches will stop after Nov. 12, and the…
Why blockchain-based voting could threaten democracy
As the desire to increase voter turnout remains strong and the number of online voting pilot projects rises in the U.S. and abroad, some security experts warn any internet-based election system is wide open to attack, regardless of the underlying infrastructure. Public tests of blockchain-based mobile voting are growing. Even as there’s been an uptick in pilot projects, security experts warn that blockchain-based mobile voting technology is innately insecure and potentially a danger to democracy through “wholesale…
New iPhone 11 release – This could be a very important date for all Apple fans
APPLE’S iPhone 11 could be unveiled to the world next month and this may be the date when fans get their first glimpse of this next-generation device. Apple iPhone 11 could be unveiled soon The new iPhone 11 could be just weeks away from being revealed to the world. If Apple follows its usual launch cycle, fans should expect to see the next generation smartphone unleashed in September as this is when the US technology firm always reveals its latest and…
The best privacy and security apps for Android
Forget malware scanners or over-the-top security suites: These are the apps that’ll actually improve your security and protect your privacy on Android. Let’s get one thing out of the way right off the bat: If you’re looking for recommendations about Android security suites or other malware-scanning software, you’ve come to the wrong place. Why? Because, like most people who closely study Android, I don’t recommend using those types of apps at all. Android malware isn’t the massive real-world threat it’s frequently…
Why recent smartphone ‘bad news’ is really good news
Smartphone shipments are in decline, Apple won’t let you change the battery and other great news. Elijah O’Donell Have you kept up with this week’s smartphone news? Smartphone shipments declined. Again. Apple’s iPhone revenue is dropping. Apple added a “software lock” to discourage you from replacing your iPhone battery. And smartphone manufacturing is fleeing China. This is all presented as bad news. In fact, it’s all good news. Here’s why. Smartphone shipments fall IDC reported last week that…