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Author Archives: Ogugua

Ever need to access a computer remotely? It’s easy to do in Windows 10, but Microsoft has provided a few different ways to get there. One is the old, familiar Terminal Server-based Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), also known as MSTSC for its executable name mstsc.exe. Another is the newer Remote Desktop, a Universal Windows Platform app that Microsoft calls URDC, with package name Microsoft.RemoteDesktop_10.2.1535.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe. Figure 1 shows these two remote desktop clients side-by-side on a current Windows 10 desktop. On the…

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There’s a good chance you’ve heard about Windows 10X, the new version of Windows that’s about to be released. And if you have, there’s a reasonable chance you’re confused about what exactly it is. You’re not alone. Microsoft has released confusing, sometimes clashing information about the new operating system. We’re here to help. Read on for everything you need to know about the upcoming Windows 10 variant. What is Windows 10X? Is it the successor to Windows 10? Windows 10X resembles Windows…

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The New Initiative for Credible Leadership (NICREL) has demanded the resignation of Ahmed Bobboi, Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Equalization Fund Management Board. The organization condemned a recruitment exercise conducted in 2020, alleging that of the 200 persons hired, only 17 persons were from the oil-producing states. Executive Director of the group, Cyprian Godknows, in a statement on Saturday, said the outcome of the process was an unfair representation of the Niger Delta. He lamented that the region giving the…

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There are ways companies (and schools) can not only adjust to the “New Normal” but actually thrive. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been chatting with people at four multi-national companies I work with who’ve seen productivity and revenue increase during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been surprisingly consistent about why they’ve benefited from this New Normal. I’ve also been following some of the schools that have done as well and interestingly, for once, education seems to be ahead…

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COVID-19 made IT staff working from home a necessity. Should the practice now be viewed as a fresh path to improved productivity? SDI Productions / Getty Images   After more than six months of dealing with COVID-19 challenges, IT leaders are beginning to understand what works — and what doesn’t — when it comes to managing their remote teams. At this stage, only one thing seems certain: IT operations are never going to return to the way they were pre-pandemic.…

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Looking to get ahead? Investing time in an independent side project can pay off at your day job. Here are your best bets for learning skills expected to grow in demand in 2021 and beyond. Getty Images     Most tech professionals don’t need prodding to upskill — adopting new technology is just part of the appeal for working in the field. But the COVID pandemic has heightened focus and revealed needs in a few areas in particular: remote work,…

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New CIOs of Okta and Quick Base discuss their recruitment experience and offer tips for IT leaders open to or actively seeking new roles during the pandemic. Okta     Shortly before COVID-19 disrupted the United States, Alvina Antar was approached by an executive recruiter on behalf of Okta. Would Antar, six years into her role as CIO of Zuora, be interested in leading IT at the popular provider of digital identity software? Antar was intrigued. But Antar’s recruitment paused…

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Investors and tech leaders in the UAE and Israel are upbeat about business cooperation, particularly in fintech and agritech, as evidenced by a virtual conference organized by venture capitalists. Rawpixel / Getty Images     Just weeks after Israel and the United Arab Emirates inked a normalization deal in Washington DC, the bullish sentiment about the potential for economic cooperation hasn’t worn off as Emirati business figures pitched the UAE’s startup ecosystem on a Zoom conference to potential Israeli investors.…

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