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While we’ve come to depend on smartphones for much of our daily lives, too often we run apps, services or systems that unnecessarily hit battery life. Rawpixel    Sure, higher resolution screens and faster processors may be the sexy features pushed by smartphone makers. But, truth be told, most users just want a phone that won’t die by the end of the day. “Longer battery life” was the top answer from 75% of 1,665 people polled by USA Today/SurveyMonkey last…

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From optimizing your phone’s storage to integrating your device with the cloud, these standout Android apps will let you juggle files like a pro. Thinkstock   File management isn’t the sexiest subject surrounding smartphone ownership — but if you use your device for productivity, it’s an important area to consider. Your phone, after all, is your on-the-go connection to the world. It’s the always-available PC of our modern computing era. And whether your work involves presentations, PDFs, documents, or images,…

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Jumia’s lucrative New York Stock Exchange IPO highlights African e-commerce potential, but also infrastructure, socioeconomic and funding challenges Jumia When e-commerce platform Jumia, headquartered in Nigeria and with 4 million customers in 14 African countries, almost passed the US$2 billion mark on its New York Stock Exchange debut day on 12 April, it was clear that Africa’s first tech unicorn was declaring itself on the world stage. Pundits have been quick to highlight the continent’s rapid digital transformation and its burgeoning business…

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After the success of mobile money solutions in countries with large unbanked populations, mainstream banks are focusing on developing digital banking initiatives across Sub-Saharan AfricaRapidEye High smartphone penetration rates, young demographics and limited access to financial services are creating a breeding ground for a rapidly growing digital banking ecosystem across sub-Saharan Africa. Similar to other emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East, the banking industry in Africa is opting to go mobile-first, leveraging the advantage of not having to…

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Getting staff to move beyond simply meeting basic goals is an art only select IT leaders possess. Here are seven performance-boosting techniques top IT pros rely on. Jay Yuno     Every IT leader wants to head a team renowned for its talent, productivity and imagination, but few actually have what it takes to elevate their staffs to an exceptional plateau. One key differentiator between middling managers and superstar IT leaders is fear, as  many managers, simply by being reluctant or…

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A broken business process can cost your business time and money. But pinpointing exactly where a process breaks down — and where it can be improved — isn’t an exact science. PeopleImages     What is process improvement? Process improvement involves the business practice of identifying, analyzing and improving existing business processes to optimize performance, meet best practice standards or simply improve quality and the user experience for customers and end-users.   Process improvement can have several different names such as business…

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The company’s decision to extend support for the fall editions of Windows 10 Enterprise and Education reflects an upgrade cadence companies have already been following.     When Microsoft extended support for Windows 10 Enterprise and Education – making it much easier for organizations to upgrade the OS just once a year – it simply bowed to a reality that had been in place since the operating system’s debut in 2015, according to a company document. In a corner of…

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From artificial intelligence to augmented reality, these eight disruptive technologies and trends will begin driving how business gets done at forward-thinking organizations in the years to come.   Metamorworks    Technology’s pace of change has had a profound impact across nearly every industry. These days it’s not enough to keep atop of emerging technologies but to keep ahead of them. In the coming year, new and evolving ways of wrangling data will take center stage in the enterprise. Innovations in…

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