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Here’s what you need to know about each update to Windows 10 as they roll out from Microsoft. Now updated for KB4512508 (OS Build 18362.295), released Aug. 13, 2019.   Microsoft Windows 10   Microsoft Software Updates Office 365: A guide to the updates Windows 10: A guide to the updates Windows 10 Redstone: A guide to the… Office 2019 release calendar: Mark… https://alt.idgesg.net/images/furniture/insiderpro/insider-pro-crawl-bug.svg”); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; width: 60px; height: 13px; display: inline-block; padding: 0px; margin: 0.325rem 1rem 0px…

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In one month, the percentage of Windows 10 PCs running this spring’s feature update almost doubled, though it still lags behind older versions. Getty Images / kchungtw       Microsoft has focused its Windows 10 attention on upgrading hundreds of millions of machines before they lose rights to security updates in three months. From June 26 to July 25, the portion of all Windows 10 systems running the May 2019 Update, a.k.a. 1903 in Microsoft’s four-numeral format, almost doubled, climbing 5…

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How to get started using and collaborating in Google’s online spreadsheet app.   Suebsiri / Savushkin / amtitus    Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet app that you use through your web browser. It stores your spreadsheets in the cloud with Google Drive. Anyone with a Google account can use Sheets and Drive for free. They’re also part of G Suite, Google’s subscription-based office suite for business and enterprise customers. This guide will teach you how to start a new…

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The company is moving away from perpetually-licensed Office 2019 and now offers annual subscriptions to Office 365 Personal and Office 365 Home for $69.99 and $48.99, respectively.                As expected, Microsoft has dumped the perpetually-licensed Office 2019 from its “Home Use Program” agreements with organizations that license the productivity software for the workplace. Home Use Program (HUP) is one of the benefits provided by Software Assurance (SA), in turn either included with some Office licensing…

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VITAS Healthcare is three-quarters of the way to providing iPhones and iPads to 12,000 employees – and it’s going to be able to manage all of the devices with just six people.       VITAS Healthcare, a Miami-based a hospice and palliative care company with more than 12,000 employees and about 19,000 patients across 14 states, went on a six-year journey to create a mobile-enabled workforce and the unified endpoint management (UEM) system needed to handle their devices. UEM…

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With its FastTrack assistance program, the company will work with customers migrating from Windows 7, either Enterprise or Professional, or Windows 8.1 Enterprise or Professional, to Windows 10 Enterprise.   pan xiaozhen     Microsoft on Monday touted the assistance it will give organizations transitioning from the soon-to-be-expired Windows 7 to its successor, Windows 10. Dubbed “FastTrack Center Benefit,” a.k.a. just FastTrack, the assistance comes free of charge with the purchase of at least 150 licenses for one of the…

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If you’re not feeling too comfortable about Windows 10 as Windows 7 comes to the end of its days, there are alternatives.       Get ready to say goodbye to Windows 7. On Jan. 14, 2020, Microsoft will deliver the final free security update for PCs running Windows 7. There will be no reprieve. So now what? First, I know many of you — and I’m among your number — really don’t want to move to Windows 10 to…

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Traditionally, August finds Microsoft in a mid-summer lull, with lots of folks on vacation and more than the usual chances of surprising screw-ups from second-string staff. It’s an excellent month to sit on the sidelines and see what problems appear with the latest round of Windows and Office patches. Here’s how to watch and wait for bug crowd-sourcing to commence.   Pashaignatov              If you haven’t patched your machine since May, you’re in harm’s way…

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